Please go here and sign the petition: about it here: wrote:
Why can`t we look after the retired & retiring Gherkas?
The country is becoming overwhelmed with immigrants and yet the Gherkas who have been good and faithful friends and fought for this country are being turned away. It is disgusting and the government should be thoroughly ashamed.
I become very angry at the way so many undeserved people scrounge off the state, hand outs galore to them and to all the immigrants yet the work these brave men have done for our country is immeasurable and now they are being totally ignored. It is beyond belief!
Not my words above but I so totally agree with them, They are hard working decent people unlike the scum the goverment is letting in. I favour the Ghurkas, because one saved my grandads life in the First World war, which allowed him to fight in the Second world war....makes you think doesnt it....unlike the people in the visa dept....who cant have such a for the Human Rights people well I personnally think they should be oops!!!! better not say it had I? But they need to rethink who is worth coming in to this country and who needs to be deported, me for one would do such a better Job them all these depts together, and that includes all the crappy partys put together.